Friday, 24 March 2017

Making the Right Choices for Your Life

Why Christian Education? #14 Young people are faced with tough choices these days.   The empty philosophies of this world with their high-sounding nonsense are vying to take them captive, the lure of money and possessions is clamoring for their attention, and immoral distractions are everywhere.  How can a young person make the right choices for his life?  How can a young person find success and yet keep his way pure?   The Bible makes it very clear and simple:  remembering God’s Word and following its instruction.  That’s also the secret for long life and prosperity according to Proverbs 3:1-2.  Each day God’s Word is proclaimed and it is the under girding of every English, Social Studies, or Science lesson taught at VCS.  That’s why we’re here at Valley Christian School … to assist you in the Godly training of your children … during the school hours of every day and to come alongside you and your church in this all important task.  

Saturday, 11 March 2017

One Good Friend

Why Christian Education? #19 
Every parent hopes their child will find at least one good friend.  Sometimes that friend is elusive, for other children there are many good friends, and for some the friend their child finds is a bad influence.   Because we know that bad company corrupts good character, it is so worthwhile to intentionally place our children alongside children of good character, to coach them on choosing good friends, and to pray that God would provide friends of good character.  During each day at VCS, not only are your children brushing up against children from Christian homes, but they are learning to walk with Jesus, the best Friend of all.  They are becoming like Him in character and worldview.  “When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.” (Acts 4:13)  That’s the goal – that others will recognize that we have been with Jesus.  That’s why we are here at Valley Christian School. 

Updated Vision, New Website, Graceful Pirouettes

Why Christian Education? #13
As we transition to an updated vision and a new website for Valley Christian School it's very appropriate to look at our scriptural underpinnings and ask pivotal questions:  Why has God placed us here? What is our purpose? How do we fulfill that purpose?

So often we hear from new families who have brought their children from other schools into VCS say that they have seen remarkable changes in the demeanor of their children.  One parent told us that she and her husband noticed that their children had begun to smile again in that first week.  Another parent watched her son through the windows for a long time while he played with other students on the playground equipment.  With tears in her eyes, she told me how good it was to see him being free to be who he was.  Today a little girl, unaware that she had an observer, with book in hand and a joyful smile on her face, did several graceful pirouettes down the hallway, grabbed her lunch and made her way back down the hallway completing several more pirouettes before disappearing back into her classroom.   Is it our teachers that make such a difference in the lives of students?  Maybe the curriculum?  Or other Christian kids?  Yes, yes, and yes, but above all it is the presence of Christ in and through all aspects of VCS, even when we fall short sometimes.   It is His peace, the peace that the world cannot give.  “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."  Colossians 3:15   That’s why we’re here at Valley Christian School … to assist you in the Godly training of your children … during the school hours of every day and to come alongside you and your church in this all important task.  Thank you for this opportunity to minister to you and your children.  KK (November 2009)